Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Guide On How To Unscrew Yourself

Ever feel that you are lagging in life? Or having no motivation to do anything at all? Here is the "perfect" guide for you!

First, let's study why we get our life screwed. The following are the possible reasons:
1. Tired to do anything
2. Something keep on nudging your mind, making it hard to concentrate
3. You also don't know why

Well, sometimes we would try to unscrew our life, but in most cases we would fail to do that and end up being more discouraged. We must know that the key to unscrew something, is to find out how it was screwed in the first place. It's like when opening a door, you need to know where is the key hole in order to open it.

There's many ways to find how your life got screwed. The following are some ways I thought of
1. Stop doing whatever you are doing, get into a comfortable position and start thinking about what you had being doing for the past few days.
2. Find help from a professional adult who is kind enough to explain to you properly, and not by nagging, which would make you even more frustrated, and hence even more screwed.

Don't worry if you still can't find why life is screwed, as you can always use pure force such as bombing the door open when trying to open a door. However, it is still better to find the reason. After you have find the reason of why life is screwed, it's time to unscrew it. (Time to take action). The key to this step is to concentrate on what your are doing, and focus on it fully. This is also the hardest step. However, after this step you can finally unscrew yourself.

There are many ways to concentrate, and many people has their own ways. The following is just a few suggestions:
1. Listen to music- Pros: This will prevent you from getting bored, and hence easier to concentrate. Cons: the music source itself might be a distraction

2. Set yourself in a completely silent environment- Pros: Let you mind be in peace, and fully concentrate on whatever you are doing. Cons: For some people, it's hard to rest their minds and when it's completely silent, their mind may wander off to think of things to do

3. Set yourself in an environment as noisy as possible- This is quite the same as point 1, but this is a more extreme version. Pros: This will let your restless mind settle. Cons: you migt get distracted by the surroundings, or might find it too noisy to concentrate.

4. Reward yourself after you completed what you are doing- Pros: This will motivate you to do what you are doing, and hence concentrate on it. Cons: You might go get the reward even before you finished what you are doing, and end up lossing concentration again.

After you have successfully completed what you are supposed to do, you will find that your life is easier, and unscrewed, as you had done what you should do and have lessened your burden. Always remember that as time goes by, there will be more things happening, and more things for you to do.

All the best to those trying to unscrew life, and comment on it so I can improve on this guide.
Last but not least, thank you for reading and good luck!


At July 22, 2008 at 3:36 PM , Blogger **Vivienne** said...

LOL!! Actually to come and think of it its true, but thinking too much will lead to much more emoism lol hahaha but good one xD at least at livening the posts heh all the best xD


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