Saturday, August 2, 2008


Have you ever wonder why Google does the searches so fast and so accurately? well, the answer is simple, it is all because of the great technology, called PigeonRank.

This brings up a few issues that we can touch on.

1) cruelty to animals.

Even though Google explained that they" exceed all international standards for the...... Not only are they given free range of the coop and its window ledges, special break rooms have been set up for their convenience. blah blah blah, " but are the pigeons really given rights? What I feel is that Google is using the pigeons, abusing them and all that just to get their own benefit of earning a few billions a day. such actions should be prohibited, even though it means slowing down our search time.

2) future of Pigeon technology.
Once we sorted out our animal rights issue, we began to realise that the pigeons abilities should be exploited. Er, I mean used to the fullest extent. we should develop for example, pigeon mathematics, so instead of using lots of capital to power Google calculator, they could use Pigeon calculator. then again, there will be setbacks, as pigeons would not be able to know specific values, like e and pi.
learning from the success of Pigeon rank, i guess alot of the huge companies will began to make use of pigeons to their fullest extent. Thus,its time to move on to THE PIGEON AGE.

NOte(once again):
1) This post was posted purely as a joke.
2) I did not participate in any competition by posting this.
3) no matter how interesting this is, do not post a RE:PigeonRank™.
4) Instead, leave a comment
5) I do not like ending in even.


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